development consulting
2777-2781 W. North Avenue
Acting as development consultant on behalf of the Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation, our firm developed a scope, budget and schedule to develop one vacant lot and two vacant, deteriorated row houses into three affordable, single family homes. One home was a modular, factory-built home, one was a rehab of the existing structure and the third was a stick-built home on the site where a structure had been demolished. Two of the homes were sold to community members and the Coppin Heights CDC took occupancy of the third until it could be sold.
2113 W. Lafayette Avenue

Represented a minority owned business in its quest to secure a zoning variance to continue operating a contractor’s yard and construction material recycling business that has been operating from the site for many years. The zoning had been recently changed during the Trans Form rezoning effort, thereby rendering the long-term operations on the site a “not permitted use.” Provided support to the owners in community outreach. Negotiations are ongoing.
2700 Rayner Avenue

The historic redevelopment of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum building was originally conceived by Wendy Blair as a consultant to the Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation during the completion of a feasibility study in 2012. Redevelopment proposals to the State of Maryland resulted in the award of historic tax credits, stabilization, and design funding for the project. The building was stabilized in 2013 in order to stop the deterioration while design work and project financing continued. After a six-year delay, the project has been re-started under the guidance of a new development team.
920-940 W. North Avenue

As part of a feasibility study for the redevelopment of 920-940 W. North Avenue, three different development alternatives were tested. Final scope, schedule, and budget were developed including sources and uses of funds and financial structuring.
The recommendation was to build a 24,000 square foot, three-story building. The second floor would house a clinic and the third floor would be programmed for Total Health Care’s administrative offices. The first level would offer retail space for third-party tenants and could be built out for a large pharmacy or for a combination of medical uses such as pharmacy, physical therapy, and adult dental. There would also be an opportunity for a small fast-casual restaurant or small café.
2600 Block, Loyola Northway

Working on behalf of Park Heights Renaissance Corporation, developed a redevelopment plan for a block suffering from substantial vacancy and disinvestment. Successfully applied for and received grant funding from the State of Maryland and City of Baltimore to acquire, stabilize and begin renovating twelve row houses on the block. Provided advice, consultation and technical assistance to long-term owner occupants on the block to help secure façade improvement grants. The total project is projected to last many years and require millions more in funding support.
301 W. Franklin Street

St. James Place is a mixed use, residential and retail, development. Located at the southwest corner of Howard Street and Franklin Street. St. James Place integrates historic rehabilitation with new construction. The total project features 25 residential units, 2,000 square feet of ground level retail space and 44 parking spaces. The project was completed in 2008 and was financed with a combination of federal and state historic tax credits.
4400 Parkside Drive

As a technical assistance provider to Enterprise Community Partners, we worked closely with St. Matthews New Life Church to complete a redevelopment feasibility study on a vacant church facility. The study included surveying current market conditions and creating development alternatives. Each alternative was further refined with the creation of a scope, budget and schedule including cost estimates, a sources and uses of funds analysis and an operating pro forma. A final report was presented at the University of Baltimore Faith Based Development program graduation.